First training Workshop on E-Learning was held in Greece

First training program concentrating on e-learning and digital tools was held at University of Patras (UPAT) in Greece on November 20-25, 2017
Following the objectives of OPATEL project, in order to disseminate the knowledge and experience of e-learning area, OPATEL First Training Program took place at the ancient land of Greece, library and information center of University of Patras from November 20 to 24, 2017. 25 Participant from 8 partner university (UPAT, TUMS, IAUSDJ, UTH, Salahaddin University-Erbil, DPU, UoB, UoD and HTWK) were attended this 5 day workshop. The main topics which was presented by the UPAT OPATEL members was as below:
Day 1: E-learning at Universities: Opportunities and challenges
Day 2: E-learning at Upatras: Experiences & best practices
Day 3: Using Digital Technologies for Teaching and Learning
Day 4: E-learning for academic progress & quality
Day 5: Open Education
Alongside of this workshop, several visited were arranged for the participants to get the most of this training. Places which were visited included:
UPAT Server and Network Operations Center
UPAT Museum of Science and Technology
UPAT Hospital
UPAT Pharmacy Research Center
This is good to know that Patras is the third largest city of Greece.
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