• Mar 13 2025

Paulo & Beatriz - Consultores Associados, Lda (P&B)

Paulo & Beatriz – Consultores Associados, Lda (P&B)

Paulo & Beatriz – Consultores Associados, Lda (P&B) is a private company created in 2002 that is specialised in providing training and technical services in food safety and food quality. The company has a large experience in providing training and developing programmes in innovation, quality and food safety management system. The company has been actively involved since its foundation in the area of Innovation Management Systems (NP 4457), Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) and in the area of Food Safety Management Systems (ISO 22000, BRC Global Standard - Food, IFS – International Food Safety). The P&B activity includes consulting, training and auditing. P&B had delivered more than 150 training (5000 hours) over the last 10 years. P&B developed several national projects aiming the development of training contents and e-learning tools in the area of food safety and quality, namely the projects: “Food Safety in the Food Industry”, “Hygiene and Food Safety in Restaurants” and “Hygiene and Food Safety in Transport and Distribution”. P&B also participated in several projects in related areas such as: “HYGIREST – Tailor-Made Hygiene and Food Safety Vocational Training Programmes for Restaurants and Similar Food Establishments” and FIL – Focus in Individual Learning” (in LdV Programme) and in several TEMPUS projects: i) project no. 515788 “MAPEC - Curriculum Development for Master Program of Environmental engineering and Climate changes”, ii) Project no.159340 -“MAPB - New MSc Curricula in Applied Biosciences in Georgian and Armenian Universities”; iii) Project no. 159173-“EU Based Courses in Foodstuff Expertise & Quality Control”.

Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).

P & B as an expert partner will help in organization of transfer of experience of current Portuguese ICT and LMS skills training to partner country; will actively participate in creation of common adapted model of E-Lerning and LMS for partner country; will help in enriching information base of partner country skills training with data from EU database along with studying experience of partner country.

P&B will also be responsible for dissemination of results of common work within the project. This association will be in close collaboration with the Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandão (ISPAB), Portugal in developing of relations between university and enterprise. P&B will be one of the main organizations to be a part of created Network FSPCA (Uz) –GABA (Az)– P&B (Pt) during the project.


OPATEL Project Coordinator:


Dr. Paulo Baptista

Paulo Baptista, is a chemical engineer with a PhD in Biotechnology. He is Director of P&B. Currently he works with companies providing consulting, auditing and training services mainly in the area of quality, food safety and innovation. Previously he has been Director of Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, S.A. and Head of Food Technology Centre of College of Biotechnology. As the Head of the Food Technology Centre he was responsible for the global coordination of the R&D activities/services to companies and for the participation in national and European R&D projects. He is a certified auditor in the field of quality management and food safety management systems. He is author of several books in the areas of innovation and food safety. He had participated in several TEMPUS and ERASMUS+ projects, including projects in the environment area such as MAPEC and EGREEN.


Maria Beatriz Marques

Maria Beatriz Marques, is a chemical engineer with a specialization in Quality Management. She is a Managing-Partner of P&B: Currently she works with companies providing consulting, auditing and training services mainly in the area of quality and innovation. He had been involved in the implementation of several quality and innovation management system in companies. She is certified auditor in the area of quality and environmental management systems. She had participated in several TEMPUS and ERASMUS+ projects, including projects in the environment area such as MAPEC and EGREEN.